Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Land - Pa's Filddle Project

Last night we had one of those Nashville moments where we enjoyed top notch musicianship at a free concert. The event was Pa's Fiddle Project - a musical odyssey inspired by the music mentioned in Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House books. Janell has been reading the books to our girls (so far they've read Little House in the Big Woods, Little House on the Prarie, and On the Banks of Plum Creek), so the whole family attended the show at Vanderbilt University. The songlist included Arkansas Traveler/Devil's Dream, Sweet By and By, Money Musk, Highland Mary, The Girl I Left Behind, Old Dan Tucker, The Gum Tree Canoe, Barbara Allen, Captain Jinks, The Blue Juniata, Irish Washerwomen, Oh! California, and On Jordan's Stormy Banks. The project and concert are both products of Vanderbilt's Blair School of Music. They have two cds available (highly recommended). This music is a cross-section of Americana: hymns, sprituals, ballads, bluegrass, etc... and will appeal to historians, lovers of american folk music, and of course fans of the Little House books.

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