Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Closing Thoughts

On Friday while traveling home, we made a stop in Picayune, MS, where we surprised the pastor of a small pentecostal church (Good Works Fellowship) with some much needed assistance moving distributed goods out of their sanctuary and into some tents. After spending about 2 hours there, we hit the road and made it home safely, just before 8pm.

Some reflections:

* What I/we did in terms of addressing the needs and lending a hand was just a drop in the bucket compared with what has been done by others and still needs to be done.

* The residents of the Gulf Coast will still need our prayers, our contributions and our assistance long after Katrina fades from the headlines.

* Our team got to experience a little bit of several key components of disaster relief: Food Service, Distribution of Goods, Cleanup, and Reconstruction. It was almost like a 101 course in disaster recovery.

* The amount of goods and services being donated to the recovery effort (including the numbers of volunteers) is an amazing sight. It is indicative of two things: the great prosperity of this nation and the even greater generosity that the Church is capable of.

* I wish I could go back and stay longer.

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