In all seriousness, we all have harbored sin in our life, whether it be idolatry or pride or something else. Should that stop us from identifying a false gospel? I hope not. Otherwise no false gospels would ever be called out.
Paul was very quick to name both his own sin, and the false gospels of his own day.
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, an archivist, a missionary, a historian, and a fan of pop culture that reflects truth and grace. I also have a fondness for board games, chocolate chip cookies, and dill pickles. My wife is a baker, a teacher, a bookkeeper, a runner, and a lover of good books. Our two daughters love animals (bunnies and dogs), art, soccer, AWANA, and their friends. We live in the Buckle of the Bible Belt but anticipate moving to the Lonestar State. Together we share a love for PBS, an appreciation for history, and a calling to serve Jesus Christ and the cause of Bible translation.
Now that cuts to the heart of the matter - convicting a pharisee like me who criticizes the TBN crowd while harboring idolotry in my heart.
Did you purchase a bmw recently? ;)
In all seriousness, we all have harbored sin in our life, whether it be idolatry or pride or something else. Should that stop us from identifying a false gospel? I hope not. Otherwise no false gospels would ever be called out.
Paul was very quick to name both his own sin, and the false gospels of his own day.
I was pointing out my own struggles with worshiping the gifts rather than the giver. It's easier to see faults in others and ignore them in yourself.
Too true.
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