Sunday, November 12, 2006

a little quiz

Where are you right now? Dallas, TX
What are you doing? I’m volunteering/consulting with Wycliffe Bible Translators – helping them establish an archives.
How long will you be there? Two weeks.
Is your family with you? No they are at home and I miss them dearly.

Done anything touristy? Scott came up from Waco and we went to Dealey Plaza to check out the grassy knoll.

What about church? I attended Irving Bible Church with my hosts. It’s the first truly modern, seeker-friendly mega-church I’ve attended. The worship band was very good and one of their elders spoke on the dangers of materialism. Very Cool!

Any good food in Dallas? A group of Wycliffe folks took me to a Pakastani restaurant and my hosts took me to the Original Market Diner on the city's westside.

Are you reading anything interesting? Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller (thanks Daniel!) This one of my new favorites.

What’s new on your iPod? Mute Math’s “Typical” and “Control” along with some Coldplay from X&Y and Rush of Blood…

What are watching on tv? Besides The Amazing Race which Janell and I closely follow, I’ve been watching Jericho and Lost. Streaming webtv has transformed my lunch breaks.

How about football? Well I’m pretty pleased with UT’s season. I’m so glad that Fulmer has turned the program around.
And the stupid underdog contest? I’m having a great season (17/33 for 100.5 pts. and in the top 100).

1 comment:

Scott Rushing said...

Nice pics of Dealey Plaza. :)

I'll keep my snotty comments about seeker oriented mega-churches to myself for right now...however, I'm glad to hear they preached a sermon on the dangers of materialism. That is an increasingly greater concern year after year.