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Friday, May 19, 2006
10 Years and Counting
Janell and I celebrated our Tenth Anniversary yesterday by returning to the bed and breakfast we stayed at on our honeymoon - the Beechmont Inn in Hanover, PA.
While in Hanover, I treated Janell to the best hotdog in South Central Pennsylvannia at the Famous Hot Weiner diner.
Hot dogs and fries - what could be better when celebrating those special occasions?
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, an archivist, a missionary, a historian, and a fan of pop culture that reflects truth and grace. I also have a fondness for board games, chocolate chip cookies, and dill pickles. My wife is a baker, a teacher, a bookkeeper, a runner, and a lover of good books. Our two daughters love animals (bunnies and dogs), art, soccer, AWANA, and their friends. We live in the Buckle of the Bible Belt but anticipate moving to the Lonestar State. Together we share a love for PBS, an appreciation for history, and a calling to serve Jesus Christ and the cause of Bible translation.
I just had chili cheese dogs last night...ummmm...so good.
So did you guys visit Gettysburg?
No. My mother-in-law was watching the kids, so we were only away about 18 hours.
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